Drive towards ENGAGEMENT with a focus on ACTIVITIES
Maximize effectiveness through an energetic and up-tempo style
Drive interest and engagement through creative use of media and information format
Allow for robust group conversation where possible
Go straight to the point, prioritizing efficiency in a task-focused approach
Leverage a BIG PCTURE approach
Talk about the big picture, connecting your conversation to the overall outcome desired
Draw attention to relevant patterns within the information you are communicating
Explore past precedence and in relation the to topic being discussed
Discuss or entertain imaginative new ideas and potential possibilities
Present information in a CLEAR and SEQUENTIAL manner
Convery information chronologically (start to finish)
Leverage a step-by-step approach to instructions, project phases or requirements
Provide or reference any available procedural documentation
Follow-up verbal or visual communication or with written (text) communication
Emphasize PEOPLE Impacts including DEVELOPMENT opportunities
Try to create or maintain harmony colleague relationships
Consider the impact on people and potential effects of decisions taken
Consider opportunities for colleague upskilling and development
Make efforts to consider colleague views, opinions, concerns and considerations
Conversational Examples
Example 1:
"Trisha, given your aptitude for logistics and love for direct interactions with the students, your role at the Bazaar will be to man the Welcome Tent. Feel free to be creative with the set up and procedures."
Example 2:
"Yolanda you will be stationed at the concessionary stand. I will leave the menu board design to you as I know you are very talented in that area."