Leverage a BIG PCTURE approach
1. Talk about the big picture, connecting your conversation to the overall outcome desired
2. Draw attention to relevant patterns within the information you are communicating
3. Explore past precedence and in relation the to topic being discussed
4. Discuss or entertain imaginative new ideas and potential possibilities
Present information in a CLEAR and SEQUENTIAL manner
1. Convery information chronologically (start to finish)
2. Leverage a step-by-step approach to instructions, project phases or requirements
3. Provide or reference any available procedural documentation
4. Follow-up verbal or visual communication or with written (text) communication
Emphasize PEOPLE Impacts including DEVELOPMENT opportunities
1. Try to create or maintain harmony colleague relationships
2. Consider the impact on people and potential effects of decisions taken
3. Consider opportunities for colleague upskilling and development
4. Make efforts to consider colleague views, opinions, concerns and considerations
Allow time for REFLECTION
1. Allow ample time for the validation of information to ensure
2. Prioritize information and opinion review and reassessment where necessary
3. Encourage time for reflection prior to finalization or conclusion
4. Provide meeting minutes, or next-steps, or concerns in written form
Conversational Examples
Example 1:
"Sam, our goal is to greatly reduce the number of campus assaults by the end of the school year. To do so we need to revamp our security policies. Please have a look at these latest reports and get back to me in two weeks with your recommendations for the way forward."
Example 2:
"In light of the most recent assaults, it has become necessary for us to revamp campus security policies. According to video surveillance, most incidents occur behind the main library. Valerie please review the footage from the main library west wing cameras, and report to the team at our next sitting, any patterns of time stamps and demographics of those involved."