Be PRECISE and EXPLICIT with expectations and timelines
Be as precise, specific and accurate as possible with your information or inquiry.
Include as many details as possible within your statements or inquiries
Clearly identify benchmarks and deadlines well ahead of time
Clearly define roles and responsibilities of all involved
Present information in a CLEAR and SEQUENTIAL manner
Convery information chronologically (start to finish)
Leverage a step-by-step approach to instructions, project phases or requirements
Provide or reference any available procedural documentation
Follow-up verbal or visual communication or with written (text) communication
Allow time for REFLECTION
Allow ample time for the validation of information to ensure
Prioritize information and opinion review and reassessment where necessary
Encourage time for reflection prior to finalization or conclusion
Provide meeting minutes, or next-steps, or concerns in written form
Provide ample EVIDENCE and FACTS
Provide facts that can be verified where possible
Include objective evidence and corroboration of information
Present relevant previously established precedence
Use logic and fact–based arguments to support conclusions
Conversational Examples
Example 1:
" Yolanda, what I need from you is an itemized list of the entire inventory in Storage unit B. Please also prepare a second document detailing those items that are either expired or have an expiry date less than a week from today."
Example 2:
" Robert, It is my understanding that several team members take issue with committing to the impromptu Zoom meeting scheduled for tomorrow morning at 9. Please consult with the team, and get back to me with their consensus on a convenient time to reschedule. "